Fixing Health Disparities With the Health Insurance Marketplace

If you’re a Louisiana resident trying to take care of your health and well-being, it’s important that you study the market. However, you also need to be aware of the inherent challenges that are at play.
Health insurance is by far one of the largest industries in the world, with a $1 trillion market value. Louisiana residents have some health disparities that can be revolutionized by increasing access to these plans.
These tips will help you learn all about the Louisiana health crisis, and how access to a healthcare marketplace can help.
What Health Disparities Exist in Louisiana?
Health insurance in Louisiana is a more pressing matter than in many other states. There are inherent issues that put people’s health at risk. Mortality rates and other health indicators are red flags in the state in a lot of different areas.
Here are some examples of health disparities in Louisiana today:
Obesity Is a Problem
Obesity is at epidemic levels in the state of Louisiana. Roughly 25% of adults in Louisiana are considered obese. Obesity is a risk factor for several reasons. When a person is too overweight, they are typically at-risk for things like:
- High blood pressure, stroke, heart disease, and heart attack
- Chronic pain
- High cholesterol
- Diabetes
- Higher mortality rate
Louisiana health insurance can bridge the gap between these issues. When a person is able to regularly see the doctor and get optimal medical care, they are more likely to get help with these issues earlier, and can reverse the course.
Racial and Ethnic Discrimination
Louisiana also has extreme disparity along racial and ethnic lines. There are several social factors at play that create large income disparities. Non-white also tend to have poorer access to healthcare and discrimination that leads to subpar medical care.
Understanding these issues will help you understand the variables at play so that you can figure out how getting a health insurance quote can help people from different backgrounds.
Statewide Poverty Issues
Louisiana has a 13% extreme poverty rate, along with close to 16% food insecurity. The state has one of the highest poverty rates in the country, which naturally means that many people also won’t get access to medical care because of affordability.
While there are some disparities among racial and ethnic lines, poverty is an issue in Louisiana for people of all ethnic groups. This leads to health issues, food deserts, and other issues that make it difficult for people to get the healthcare that they need.
Many People Don’t Have Health Insurance
If you don’t have health insurance, or if you have poor health insurance, it’s difficult for you to get the same level of healthcare as everyone else. This is an issue that many people in Louisiana deal with, since many don’t have health insurance plans.
Increasing access to these plans can help people receive the full medical, dental, and vision benefits that they need to improve and maintain their quality of life.
Crime Rates Are High
Louisiana is also home to a high crime rate. Cities like New Orleans are among the most violent and crime-filled cities in the United States.
This reduces life expectancy and makes it difficult for many people to be upwardly mobile, or to handle their health and well-being.
How Can a Healthcare Marketplace Help?
Louisiana Obamacare can help with a lot of these issues.
Having access to affordable health insurance will help you get medical care from doctors without delay or half measures. President Barack Obama’s Affordable Care Act (ACA) opened the door for the creation of a marketplace that makes this possible for all Americans.
United States citizens take advantage of the ACA through individual state marketplaces that make these plans available. Here are some ways that this can cause breakthroughs in the many health disparities that Louisiana faces:
It Makes Health Insurance Available and Transparent
The healthcare marketplace in Louisiana makes quality health insurance plans accessible to everyone. Residents will have the opportunity to log in and enroll each year. The marketplace makes these plans more affordable and explains people’s benefits in detail so that they know what they’re buying.
The Government Instituted Protections
The marketplace also comes with protections that help people buy and keep their health insurance. You get your choice of health plans each year, and are eligible as long as you pay your premiums. The government offers a significant amount of aid for low-income applicants who need it.
The federal government has also implemented grace periods that allow people to catch up on their bills before they get dropped from their plans. These sorts of matters keep people insured so that they can cover all their medical needs.
People Get Access to Quality Plans
Above all, Louisiana residents will know that they’re getting access to quality plans. They can sign up for plans through reputable companies like Blue Shield and Aetna. You’ll have a wide variety of deductibles and out of pocket costs depending on what you need.
Make sure that you research the marketplaces during open enrollment each year.
Search the Health Insurance Marketplace
When you study the health insurance marketplace, you’ll find that there are plenty of options available to Louisiana residents. Not only will this help you shop around, but it also helps close some of the health disparities that exist in the state.
The Real Insurance Lady can help you when you’re looking for a quality insurance plan. We’re happy to show you why we’re the #1 producing Obamacare agency. Take the time to contact us online or by calling (713)367-1161.